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    炒股配资平台注册 用英语讲中国故事“鹬蚌相争”,中英文对照,少儿英语绘本
    发布日期:2024-07-24 23:43    点击次数:70

    炒股配资平台注册 用英语讲中国故事“鹬蚌相争”,中英文对照,少儿英语绘本


    The Quarrel of the Snipe and the Clam


    Once upon a time, there was a snipe and a clam. On a sunny day, the clam was sunbathing on the sandy shore of the river, with its shell wide open. It felt so warm and comfortable!




    Just then, the snipe flew over and saw the clam's open shell. It thought, "Wow, that clam meat must be delicious!" So, it used its sharp beak to try and snatch the meat from the clam.


    The clam sensed danger and immediately snapped its shell shut, trapping the snipe's beak. The snipe couldn't pull free, and the clam wouldn't open up.


    Thus, neither of them would give in, each refusing to back down. Later, a fisherman came by and saw them. He thought, 'Oh, isn't this a meal delivered to me?' He walked over and grabbed both the snipe and the clam.


    This story teaches us not to engage in fights that allow a third party to benefit, and it also tells us that if competitors are engaged in a struggle with others炒股配资平台注册, it might just be the perfect opportunity for us to take action.


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